The Law of Attraction and Love

Law - The Law of Attraction and Love

Good afternoon. Today, I discovered Law - The Law of Attraction and Love. Which may be very helpful in my opinion and you. The Law of Attraction and Love

The Law of Attraction says that 'like attracts like'. It means that anything your predominate thoughts are will show up as habitancy and experiences in your life. I used to get assuredly angry with this idea. The habitancy in my life were not the kind of habitancy I wanted. The experiences in my life were not the experiences I wanted! Why couldn't I seem to get this attraction thing to work for me? Why couldn't I make things come out differently? What was wrong with me?

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I hear the same thing from many of my clients. "What is wrong with me?" they ask, when the woman they are interested in does not show the same interest in them. Another client asked "Am I just stupid?" when she failed to see that the man she was dating was a closet alcoholic. "I feel like a failure." Another client confided after Another relationship that didn't turn out the way he had planned.
But the Law of Attraction works perfectly every time. It can work for or against you. Just like gravity. It can work for you to keep you from spinning off the planet, or against you if you lean too far over the edge of a cliff! But the Law of Attraction works through your thoughts and most importantly through the predominate belief you think most of the time. So if your predominate belief is that relationships are a lot of work, then you will attract partners and situations that are a lot of work. If your predominate belief is that all the good ones are taken, then you will tend to meet habitancy you like and could be interested in, who are already in a relationship with man else. If your predominate belief is that women are only after your money and you worry about having enough, then you will meet women who worry about money too.
So begin to direct your thoughts toward what you want. How do you do this? First perceive at your core you are a creative being. You have the power to strengthen the knowledge and experiences on this planet plainly because of your unique perspective. So why not direct that creative power that is yours toward what you want? Start by noticing what makes you feel Great! observation when you feel energized! observation what settings or circumstances you are in. observation what kinds of habitancy make you feel joyful and loved. Make of list of all of these. And begin to look for ways that you can be that kind of man yourself.

For example if you are energized by hiking in the mountains or spending time at the seacoast and you feel a sense of awe and excitement when you are in nature, make note of that. Then declare, "I am a magnet for a partner who loves nature as much as I do and is finding for a woman like me to enjoy it with." As you declare this, out loud with enthusiasm, you are setting remarkable creative energies in motion. You are igniting the Law of Attraction! That is the first step.

The second step is to know and accept that the Law will work and furnish what you give your attentiveness to. So if within your wanting to find that perfect partner you are more focused on the "wanting" and therefore on the fact that you do not have, then that is exactly what will continue to show up for you, more wanting and pinning over the fact that you are once again alone. To turn this, begin to perceive and visualize what it is like to have the man of your dreams at you side. That's right, daydream! Vividly pretend! Get the feeling you will have when that man is right there. And accept that just as it takes three hours to drive from Denver to Glenwood Springs, it will take some time for your lover to get to you. So don't get discouraged. Don't give up.

Do let go of any sense of "wanting" and instead be joyous and energized by all that you do.

Finally, allow the Law to work for you. Trust that it is working for you. And go out and do things that allow you to feel at your best. Then just keep your eyes open and observation what shows up. Like Tom Hanks in the movie "Castaway". You never know what the tide will bring.

Want to get a jumpstart on getting the Law of Attratction to work for you? Hire a coach. If you have not experienced the power of personal coaching, call me and ask for a free trial session.

I hope you have new knowledge about Law. Where you'll be able to offer utilization in your daily life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Law.


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